All Field Office Stats

Thanks everyone for contributing the field office information. The number is based on data points contributed by the community.
Once there are enough data points, we can create a dashboard to display the performance of field offices in overall and individuals.
If your cases are assigned to a field office but not shown here, please go to /insights to input the field office information.

Field Office Total Count Approved Count
Agana GU 33 23
Albany NY 48 37
Albuquerque NM 61 47
Anchorage AK 16 13
Atlanta GA 193 150
Baltimore MD 197 160
Boise ID 46 39
Boston MA 248 193
Brooklyn NY 113 86
Buffalo NY 102 89
Burlington VT 27 21
Charleston SC 40 32
Charlotte Amalie VI 14 12
Charlotte NC 74 52
Chicago IL 384 314
Christiansted VI 4 3
Cincinnati OH 76 67
Cleveland OH 72 53
Columbus OH 65 50
Dallas TX 333 231
Denver CO 90 70
Des Moines IA 27 23
Detroit MI 124 104
El Paso TX 77 64
Fort Myers FL 59 48
Fort Smith AR 35 24
Fresno CA 112 95
Greer SC 46 36
Harlingen TX 46 37
Hartford CT 128 92
Helena MT 6 4
Hialeah FL 73 61
Honolulu HI 47 40
Houston TX 178 136
Imperial CA 26 24
Indianapolis IN 121 86
Jacksonville FL 50 38
Kansas City MO 515 367
Kendall FL 88 64
Las Vegas NV 60 47
Lawrence MA 58 43
Long Island NY 63 50
Los Angeles CA 308 230
Los Angeles County CA 152 117
Louisville KY 51 43
Manchester NH 30 23
Memphis TN 108 88
Miami FL 127 101
Milwaukee WI 49 35
Minneapolis St Paul MN 106 76
Montgomery AL 112 100
Mount Laurel NJ 71 60
Nashville TN 57 46
New Orleans LA 28 16
New York City NY 251 193
Newark NJ 233 182
Norfolk VA 49 35
Oakland Park FL 90 68
Oklahoma City OK 44 32
Omaha NE 75 56
Orlando FL 175 123
Philadelphia PA 136 102
Phoenix AZ 162 125
Pittsburgh PA 55 41
Portland ME 29 27
Portland OR 82 69
Providence RI 43 25
Queens NY 101 78
Raleigh NC 59 48
Reno NV 24 18
Sacramento CA 124 90
Saint Louis MO 220 159
Salt Lake City UT 49 41
San Antonio TX 173 131
San Bernardino CA 180 151
San Diego CA 168 128
San Fernando Valley CA 165 140
San Francisco CA 247 204
San Jose CA 335 259
San Juan PR 32 31
Santa Ana CA 203 174
Seattle WA 257 202
Spokane WA 36 32
Tampa FL 141 111
Tucson AZ 41 31
Washington DC 131 105
West Palm Beach FL 66 45
Wichita KS 17 14
Yakima WA 37 34